cairomm  1.16.2
Cairo::UserFontFace Member List

This is the complete list of members for Cairo::UserFontFace, including all inherited members.

cobj() constCairo::FontFaceinline
cobject typedefCairo::FontFace
FontFace(cairo_font_face_t * cobject, bool has_reference=false)Cairo::FontFaceexplicit
FontFace(const FontFace &)=deleteCairo::FontFace
get_type() constCairo::FontFace
init(const RefPtr< ScaledFont > & scaled_font, const RefPtr< Context > & cr, FontExtents & extents)Cairo::UserFontFaceprotectedvirtual
operator=(const FontFace &)=deleteCairo::FontFace
reference() constCairo::FontFace
render_glyph(const RefPtr< ScaledFont > & scaled_font, unsigned long glyph, const RefPtr< Context > & cr, TextExtents & metrics)=0Cairo::UserFontFaceprotectedpure virtual
text_to_glyphs(const RefPtr< ScaledFont > & scaled_font, const std::string & utf8, std::vector< Glyph > & glyphs, std::vector< TextCluster > & clusters, TextClusterFlags & cluster_flags)Cairo::UserFontFaceprotectedvirtual
unicode_to_glyph(const RefPtr< ScaledFont > & scaled_font, unsigned long unicode, unsigned long & glyph)Cairo::UserFontFaceprotectedvirtual
unreference() constCairo::FontFace
~UserFontFace() overrideCairo::UserFontFace